Wednesday, September 24, 2008

38.5 weeks pregnant

Hello Dear Friends!
I have been so impressed with how many of you are actually reading this thing :) I just got back from the doctor and had a GREAT visit! Today is Sept 24th and my cervix has thinned significantly since last week. I have not dialated yet, but she is measuring perfect and has a great heartbeat. I will go back on Wednesday and meet with the same doctor. At that point, if I haven't gone into labor by then, I will schedule to be induced on Saturday, Oct 4th. That doctor will be on call that weekend and we would love for her to deliver Aubrey. Good news is my cervix is now in the perfect conditions for inducing so we shouldn't have to worry about too much!
Steve went with me to the appointment and I can tell he is getting excited about seeing her. We both are and will enjoy the quiet around the house for the next week!

Much love


  1. I can't believe that it's almost time! I am so excited for you. You are going to be an amazing mommy. Aubrey is one lucky little girl. Love you!

  2. Yay! I am so glad to hear everything is right on schedule. I hope you and Steve take it easy next week. Not too much longer... :)

  3. I hope you go into labor and have her Wednesday Oct, 1st.. cause that's my birthday! :0)

  4. Sandy,

    I'm so glad to hear you're making progress! I can't wait to see pictures of your little girlie when she arrives. Prayers and love for you two!

    Krissy & Baby Brooks

  5. Wow!!!! So exciting!!!!!



  6. Sandy I am so excited for you and Steve. I think Oct 4 is a wonderful day (it is my b'day) and is my favorite day of the year!! Good Luck with everything and please keep us posted.

    Zeta Love,
    Margaret Ann Smith
