Saturday, December 13, 2008

2 month checkup

Well, it has been a hard week for Aubrey (and mom & dad). She still has the cold. We went to the doctors on Tuesday and Thursday (yes, I might be a little obsessive)! I was just worried about how long she has been sick but the doctors keep confirming that she has the common cold, nothing more. I think she is getting better everyday, but to make things worse, she got her first round of shots on thursday! She actually did really good. We gave her a little tylenol before they started and right afterwards I was feeding her. She slept from noon to 7 so I know she was worn out! That night she had fever so she was up a lot. Steve was able to stay at home with her on Friday while I had to work in town so it was nice for her to have some daddy time!
As of Thursday, Aubrey weighed 10lbs 9-1/2oz; 21-3/4" in height; her head was 15"
Comparing her to other kids her exact age, she is in the 50% for weight and head size; and 25% for height. She might not be the tallest volleyball player, but maybe she will be fast!!!!!
Even though she has been sick all week, she really has been a sweet girl. A lot of coughing, sneezing, throwing up, and fever doesn't stop my little angel from smiling every now and then!
We head to Texas next week so I pray that she gets all cleared up this week so the plane ride is easy on us all!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry your Angel has been so sick!!! And no, you're not obsessive about taking her back to the doctor...better safe than sorry! Merry Christmas!
